Environment and Community
Coventry Airport, part of Regional and City Airports (RCA), recognises it has a duty of care to the communities affected by its day-to-day operations.
RCA is committed to being a good neighbour and reducing the impact it has on these communities and the environment. The Coventry Airport team takes these obligations very seriously and operates a number of measures to ensure it can meet and surpass all environmental legislation.
Aircraft Noise complaints
Should any member of the community be concerned about aircraft noise, please complete the Noise Complaint form here.
Notifiable Obstruction
Working, building and events in the vicinity of an Airport can present significant risks if not managed responsibly by developers. This can include events using fireworks / lighting / sky lanterns, construction sites and drone flying.
As a result, we always encourage you to communicate with us should the activity fall within at least 6km of the airfield.
If the activity or development requires the use of lifting equipment, mobile or tower cranes, they should be operated in accordance with British Standard 7021 and CAA Publication - CAP 1096. The Airport should be notified of plans to erect these cranes at least 21 days in advance.
Please click here to inform us of your notifiable activity (events using fireworks / lighting / sky lanterns, construction sites wishing to use lifting equipment, mobile or tower cranes).
NOTE: Do not proceed with your operation of a Crane or tall obstruction equipment until permission has been granted.
Further guidance on cranes near aerodromes can be found here: CAA Guidance to crane users
Unmanned Aircraft (Drones & Model Aircraft/Helicopter)
Flight Restriction Zone & Runway Protection Zone (FRZ & RPZ) extents: Coventry FRZ & RPZ Chart
To request permission to fly inside the FRZ/RPZ/ATZ, please send the following details to safeguarding@coventryairport.co.uk at least 7 days in advance.
- Date of Flight
- Time of lift and duration
- Location (Postcode and/or Lat/Long Coordinates)
- Operating Height (AGL and AMSL)
- Name and Address of Operator
- E-mail and Contact Number of Operator
Please do not proceed with your flight until permission has been granted.
Airport Publications
Document Links
Airport Consultative Committee
The Airport Consultative Committee meets bi-annually* and is made up of representatives from the Airport Authority, aerodrome users, local parish councils, local authorities and associated businesses and interested parties. It allows for the exchange of information and ideas and for concerns to be raised.
CACC Meeting held: 14 NOV 2023 view minutes here
CACC Meeting held: 16 MAY 2023 view minutes here
CACC Meeting held: 18 OCT 2022 view minutes here
CACC Meeting held: 19 JAN 2022 view minutes here
CACC Meeting held: 26 MAY 2021 view minutes here
CACC Meeting held: 03 MAR 2021 view minutes here
CACC Meeting held: 18 NOV 2020 view minutes here
CACC Meeting held: 15 SEP 2020 view minutes here
*subject to change
Airfield Incident Reporting (OSHENS)
Mandatory Occurrence Reporting (ECCAIRS)
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1018 of 29 June 2015 laying down a list classifying occurrences in civil aviation to be mandatorily reported according to Regulation (EU) No 376/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance)